Leak Alert, Messi and PlanetCoin, A Potential Power Play!

After Bitget and indirectly Binance, is Messi, the legendary footballer, about to launch a new crypto project, under the name $PLANET? At least, that’s what several rumors have been suggesting for several days…

Disclaimer: the information in this article was provided to us by a partner. We have decided to treat the subject after having verified it, but we strongly encourage you to make up your own mind. Enjoy your reading.

Messi puts on his cleats to fight pollution…

On Thursday July 6, Lionel Messi‘s 477 million Instagram followers were treated to a cryptic video. In this short 33s excerpt, we see the footballer walking on our beautiful blue planet before shooting into a can labeled “pollution”.

This then scrolls through several landscapes, showing the flora and fauna, as well as the pollution our society can generate. The images then give way to several pairs of shoes with an ecological motif.

The video ends with a “Coming Soon”. But what does this have to do with crypto, you may ask? Let’s find out.

With The Planet ($PLANET) project?!

While the vast majority of viewers stopped at a single viewing, others pressed the “replay” button repeatedly, hoping to find clues about the upcoming project. It was in this quest that some noticed a small element at 26s on the video, a message saying “Join the Planet”.

join the planet - Coinpri
Join the Planet”, from the video

It was while searching for this famous “Join The planet” that some people realized that a Twitter account under the pseudonym “JoinOurPlanet” had posted Messi‘s video on its own account.

Planet is a project launched at the end of May 2023, purporting to protect the Earth and its biodiversity by using blockchain technology to tackle the world’s most pressing sustainable development issues, as defined by the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

But then, are the two linked? That’s the question many have been asking themselves following this video!

But the mystery doesn’t seem to end there! A look at JoinOurPlanet’s Medium blog reveals references to “mystery boxes” and “Real World Assets” (RWA) in two articles. This may seem an insignificant detail, but let’s not forget that the video not only starts with a mysterious pollution box, but also contains shoes – a real-world asset that’s no stranger to mystery boxes.

Finally, for even more mystery, a video seems to have leaked, revealing a huge box adorned with a logo in the same styling of the one seen at the end of Messi’s video.

Is that the shoebox between Messi and Planet?

Is this a partnership or a huge publicity stunt on the part of JoinOurPlanet, which has modelled its communication to take advantage of Messi’s video on another project in order to promote itself? The mystery remains, and caution is the order of the day. That’s why the Coinpri team urges you, more than ever, to do your research and not fall victim to FOMO. We’ll keep you informed if any further information comes to light. In the meantime, take care.